Pre-Pack Insolvency and Turnarounds: A Survival Route for Companies?

a signpost pointing between insolvency and a new beginning

In the complex landscape of business turnarounds and restructuring, pre-pack insolvencies have emerged as a potent survival route for companies faced with financial challenges. These arrangements often offer a lifeline, allowing businesses to address their financial difficulties while minimising operational disruption.

Pre-pack insolvency and turnaround processes involve selling the company or its assets to a buyer arranged before the company officially enters administration. This strategy provides a faster resolution compared to traditional insolvency procedures, ensuring the continuity of the business under new ownership.

However, while the concept of pre-pack insolvency may seem straightforward, its execution requires careful planning and understanding of its potential ramifications. In this article, we’ll explore the intricacies of this strategy, looking into how it operates as a survival route as well as the benefits, potential drawbacks, and ethical implications.

Understanding Pre-Pack Administration Changes

Pre-pack administration is an insolvency process where a company arranges the sale of its assets or the whole business before formally entering administration. It’s often employed when a company is insolvent but has underlying value that can be salvaged through a quick sale, thereby preserving jobs and ensuring continuity of business.

A Three Stage Process

  1. First, the struggling company appoints an insolvency practitioner. This person or group evaluates the financial situation and assesses the feasibility of a pre-pack sale.
  2. Next, the insolvency practitioner markets the business or its assets to potential buyers. This could be an existing director or shareholder, an external party, or a newly formed company.
  3. Finally, upon formal entry into administration, the pre-arranged sale is immediately executed.

Legislation Changes

To fully understand pre-pack administration changes, we’ve got to take a look at legislative shifts. As many readers will know, the UK Government introduced new regulations in 2021 to enhance transparency and stakeholder confidence in pre-pack sales to connected parties. These changes were in response to criticism that such sales could be misused to shed liabilities and unfairly disadvantage creditors.

Under the new rules, a connected party wishing to purchase a company’s assets through a pre-pack must obtain an independent, written opinion on the appropriateness of the sale. Alternatively, they can seek approval from creditors. These changes have had significant implications for pre-pack administrations, increasing scrutiny and potentially lengthening processes. However, they also bolster confidence in the procedure by increasing protection for creditors.

People conducting an insolvency meeting at a table

The Core Elements of a Pre-Pack Administration

A successful pre-pack administration hinges on several key factors. Understanding these core elements is crucial for anyone considering this insolvency route.

1.     Insolvency Practitioner

This person or group plays a key role in pre-pack administration, as I mentioned above. Not only do they assess the company’s financial situation, but they also facilitate the sale of the business or assets and ensure compliance with legal requirements. The insolvency practitioner must be independent, acting in the best interest of all creditors.

2.     Valuation

A thorough and accurate valuation of the company’s assets is essential. Undervaluation could disadvantage creditors and invite scrutiny from regulators. Conversely, overvaluation might discourage potential buyers, risking the success of the pre-pack.

3.     Marketing

Even though the buyer is typically identified before entering administration, the business or assets must still be marketed to potential purchasers. This ensures a fair and competitive process, which can justify the selling price to creditors and the courts.

4.     Viability of the Purchaser

The purchaser, often a new company set up by the existing directors, must be financially viable to ensure the continued operation of the business. They should have a robust business plan and sufficient funding to purchase the assets and meet ongoing trading costs.

5.     Transparency

As per the legislative changes I discussed above, transparency has become even more critical in recent years. Independent evaluation of the sale or approval from creditors is now a prerequisite when selling to a connected party. This fosters trust among stakeholders and reduces the chances of pre-pack arrangements being misused.

6.     Timing

Pre-pack administration is time-sensitive. Delays can erode the value of the business, leading to lower returns for creditors. Therefore, swift execution of the pre-pack deal is crucial.

These core elements of a pre-pack administration are interwoven and, to an extent, interdependent, with each playing its part in securing a successful outcome.

Two business-dressed men having an insolvency meeting

The Pros and Cons of Pre-Pack Administration


  • Business Continuity: Pre-pack administration allows for seamless business operations, minimising disruption to services, preserving customer relationships, and helping retain staff.
  • Speed: Given the pre-arranged nature of the sale, the process is typically quicker than traditional insolvency processes. This can help to preserve the value of assets that might otherwise deteriorate over time.
  • Higher Returns: Research suggests that pre-packs often result in higher returns for creditors than liquidation, primarily because they preserve the goodwill and ongoing contracts of the business.


  • Perception Issues: Pre-pack sales, especially those involving connected parties, can lead to perceptions of misconduct or unfairness, even when conducted properly.
  • Lack of Transparency: Despite the legislative changes in the last few years, some stakeholders may still feel they lack sufficient information about the process.
  • Potential for Reduced Competition: The quick pace of pre-pack sales may limit the pool of potential buyers, possibly leading to a lower sale price.

Ethical Implications of Pre-Pack Insolvencies

While a legitimate survival route for companies, pre-pack insolvencies carry important ethical implications, as the process’s nature can raise questions about fairness and transparency.

Potential Misuses

This is a significant ethical concern and revolves around the potential of pre-packs to shed liabilities like debts and unprofitable contracts. This could disadvantage creditors, especially unsecured ones, and potentially harm their financial health.


This is where a business continues under a new guise, often under the same management, after shedding its liabilities. While legal, this practice can be seen as unethical if it appears to be a mechanism to evade responsibilities rather than a genuine attempt to rescue a failing business.

Are You Looking to Optimise Your Business Processes?

Many companies, especially in B2B business sectors, don’t have good processes in place. In many instances, this might be due to small, entrepreneurial companies growing without having the suitable professional management to implement robust processes.

With many years of experience across numerous sectors, I can provide a range of services that can help build a rugged, optimised process in your business. You can find out more about my services here, or feel free to get in touch for a more detailed conversation.

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Further Reading