With food production being in higher demand than ever to sustain the rapidly growing population, there is increasing pressure to meet the industry’s supply needs without harming the planet.
Improving sustainability and encouraging new environmentally friendly practices are some of the best ways forward for any business looking to adapt to climate change, especially regarding food production.
Food sustainability shows a promising future for reducing the effects of climate change and giving the planet a brighter future that doesn’t rely on non-renewable resources. In this article, I will discuss the benefits of increasing sustainable food production, showing how it can be beneficial to both consumers and manufacturers alike.
The environmental impact of food production
Before looking into how sustainable food production can benefit your business, it’s important to consider the environmental implications of the current food production model.
A study by the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) found that an estimated 25% of total global greenhouse gas emissions are caused directly by crop production, livestock raising and forestry. Two years later, the same organisation found that the crop and livestock sectors use 70% of the world’s freshwater resources and take up 60% of the Earth’s land surface.
It’s clear, then, that the agricultural sector at present is contributing significantly to emissions and the freshwater shortage. This is something that the benefits of sustainable food production can help to alleviate.
What is sustainable food production?
Definitions of sustainable food production can vary, but the Government Office for Science gives us some clarity on the issue. According to their 2011 Foresight study, sustainable food production can be defined as:
“A method of production using processes and systems that are non-polluting, conserve non-renewable energy and natural resources, are economically efficient, are safe for workers, communities and consumers, and do not compromise the needs of future generations.”

In simple, business-related terms, this means focusing efforts on a shift towards less pollutive food production methods. Innovations such as electric-powered farming equipment and vertical farming practices are examples of progress in this area. Utilising seasonal produce could also see environmental benefits, as it reduces the need for fossil-fuel-heavy supply chains.
What are the benefits of switching to sustainable food production?
Not only is it good for the planet, but there are also ways that sustainable food production can benefit your business financially. Sustainable food production appeals to the environmentally conscious consumer, helping you to stand out from competitors. Being transparent about your commitment to reducing environmental impact provides excellent opportunities to appeal to a worldwide customer base that is passionate about their waste consumption and wants to purchase from more ethical brands.
With a recent survey finding that 53% of people said they would consider changing their spending habits to reduce the negative impact on the planet, the scope for new customer growth is now greater than ever.
Channelling sustainability into your branding and marketing is key to letting your consumers know that you are aware of the current need for change and are doing everything you can to support a modern business’s social and environmental expectations.
The social benefits of sustainable food production are the most personal as they impact a consumer’s everyday life. One of the biggest challenges when improving ethical and sustainable food production is meeting the increasing worldwide demand for food production.
Producing healthier, non-toxic, nutritionally dense food gives an abundance of healthier choices that benefit the individual and society as a collective.
Organic food has seen a massive increase in recent years, so with people wanting to consume pesticide-and fertiliser-free products, the opportunity for growth is there from the get-go. By encouraging expansion into environmentally friendly practices, businesses can experience the benefits of sustainable food production in unadulterated market growth.
The financial future for sustainable food production looks bright, with a study estimating that by 2030, sustainable food production could yield up to 2.3 trillion dollars worldwide. Through re-evaluating agricultural practices, incredibly promising growth could help strengthen the economy.
Although investing in new technologies can be daunting, the long-term benefits far outweigh the initial cost. By eliminating the need for non-renewable energy sources, the long-term effects of sustainable food production can be expected to see significant economic growth for any business looking to achieve a higher ROI in years to come.
To feed the growing population, it has been estimated that food production must increase by at least 70% to accommodate everyone. With current natural resources, ecosystems and farming space already under strain, things cannot carry on as they are.
One of the most prominent and most pressing needs for more sustainable food production is the current use of natural resources.
As I mentioned above, the current impact of farming on the environment is unsustainable. From water consumption to fossil fuel usage and genetically modified food, the impact on the environment has been devastating.
Whether your business is in farming, manufacturing or supply, changing to lower your environmental impact is crucial.

Marketing support for your food production business
Do you work in the food and beverage manufacturing sector and want to enhance your brand strategy? With over 30 years of marketing, strategy, sales and business development experience, and over 25 years of interim B2B food manufacturing consultancy, I can help you develop your marketing strategy.
Get in contact with me to discuss your marketing needs.